How To Fix a Broken Acrylic Nail at Home

  • Dec. 11, 2022
  • Nail Care

We spend so much time and money getting our nails done that having them break just a few days after becomes such a nightmare. And it’s even more annoying that it tends to happen at the most inconvenient times ever. Whether it’s the emotional pain of destroying your perfectly done tips or the actual physical trauma of the crack itself, breaking an acrylic nail is total hell. But the good news is, there are quite a number of ways to fix your broken nail at home. Chances are, you already have most if not all of the essentials needed to repair a broken nail within your reach.

The first step though is to take proper care and treat your broken nail so you prevent any infection. In this article we have rounded up a few tips to help you fix your broken acrylic at home and save some coins, time and of course your gorgeous manicure.  

  1. Fixing with glue

This can work if your nail is just split and not completely broken off. It’s a temporary method to hold you until you can make it to your technician.

  • First, buff the surface of the nail gently because too much pressure can cause more damage.
  • Next, apply two coats of nail glue to temporarily hold the nail back until you can make it to your manicurist.
  • Lastly, after the glue has dried up, cover the area with a thin coat of clear nail polish to help it blend in with the rest.
  1. Fixing with a tea bag

This has been such a major hack on the internet. The only catch though is that you will need to re-apply glue over the tea bag every few days to keep it strong.

  • First, cut a square that is about the size of the crack off of a tea bag.
  • Next, apply a layer of nail glue over the crack and place the piece of tea bag on top while it’s still wet.
  • Lastly, after it has dried down, apply another layer of glue on top.
  1. Fixing with a fake nail

Sometimes a nail breaks beyond repair when you can’t make it to your next appointment yet. The most suitable solution during these times is to apply a fake nail. These could be a pair of press-on or glue-on nails that will hold you for quite a while until you are able to make it to your next appointment.

  1. Fixing with a powder fill

This is one of the most durable fixes that you can do at home.

  • First, apply a layer of glue over the crack the sprinkle some nail powder on top while it’s still wet.
  • Next, continue applying glue and powder until there’s two to three layers on top of the crack.
  • Lastly, spritz a glue-drying spray over the layers of glue and powder to set everything in place then smoothen it by buffing with a buffing block.
  1. Fixing by trimming

The truth is there isn’t really a permanent fix for a broken nail. The ones mentioned above might only be able to keep the nail in place and prevent snagging for a while. But a crack will always sneak its way no matter how good the repair is. Therefore the most advisable solution is to cut down the nail and trim the rest to match especially if the crack was too big or the whole nail completely broke off.

Prevention is definitely better than cure. Therefore, take care of your nails to avoid broken nails in future. Be sure to keep them well moisturized and away from harsh substances that might induce damage.

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About The Author

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Charene Mich is a makeup enthusiast, makeup artist, digital marketer and content creator. Charlene also has a YouTube channel that she started out of her passion for beauty,hair and lifestyle content which also led her to start writing on Weridi.
